All industries operative across the country that command material size and scope are of course regulated to some extent.
For some, that means elemental interaction with one or a few municipal, state and/or federal agencies on fundamental matters concerning things like production, compliance and taxation.
For others, the hand of government is discernibly heavier, with regulators weighing in and exercising close and ongoing oversight over virtually all operational aspects.
And for a select few commercial spheres, regulation spells something else altogether. Start-up entrepreneurs and established principals in such enterprises experience a degree of regulatory control that is truly singular, even exceptional.
The cannabis industry is unquestionably one such realm.
We underscore the heightened compliance environment for that evolving commercial realm on our website at the established New Jersey business law firm of DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin. We stress therein that “the medicinal and/or emerging recreational cannabis markets in New Jersey face significant legal, regulatory and business challenges.”
Candidly, those cannot be overstated. Clients seeking accurate, on-point and ongoing legal help in that unique sphere reasonably turn to a deep attorney team with a demonstrated record of advocacy guiding business owners in highly regulated industries.
DeCotiis attorneys have proven acumen in that regard. The firm’s practitioners command decades of collective experience forging optimal outcomes for diverse and valued clients in industries spanning health care, energy, casino gaming, financial services, real estate, telecommunications and additional concerns.
Regulation in the growing cannabis business realm is as complex as that governing any of those cited areas. Studied and timely input from a seasoned legal team can help a client optimally respond to challenges and also take fullest advantage of attractive commercial opportunities.
We will have more to say about cannabis law in future blog posts.